What is domain redemption period?

"Redemption Period" or ("RGP") is a 30-90day timeframe after a registrar has deleted an expired domain.

"Pending Delete" as it applies to .com and .net domains refers to the 5-day timeframe after Redemption during which time VeriSign holds the domain and it cannot be recovered.

"Pending Delete" as it applies to .org domains is the 30-day timeframe after the registrar (PIR) has deleted an expired .org domain.

eNom Redemption Period Process:

* When a domain expires, eNom offers a non-guaranteed 29-day grace period for renewal at the normal price.
* After the grace period, the domain falls into the 30-90day holding status called Redemption Period at VeriSign and NeuLevel, and Pending Delete at PIR.org.
* Should you want to retrieve the domain during Redemption, there is a $180 fee, this is inclusive of renewal fee for another year.
* Only the previous registrant has the right to request the domain back. All others must wait until the registry drops the domain.
* Once a domain is dropped, it can then be purchased by anyone at any time just like a new name. Should someone else purchase your domain, you will need to contact them and attempt to buy it back. Or use the ICANN Dispute Policy (their link can be found on the bottom of every page at www.enom.com).

To find out when a domain went into Redemption, you can check at the registry website:

.com, .net, .cc, .bz and .tv domains go to: www.verisign-grs.com (VeriSign Global Registry).

.org domains go to www.pir.org (Public Interest Registry)

.biz domains, please go to: www.neulevel.biz (NeuLevel)
Enter the domain name in the WHOIS lookup box. It will tell you who the current registrar is, along with the status, such as "Redemption Period". The "updated date" is usually the date the domain went into Redemption or "Pending Delete".

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